



2018-09-21 10:57:27  来源:央视网

  主持人:Washington right now is thinking about imposing tariffs on some 200 billion dollars worth of Chinese goods. And if that does happen, that’s really going to hurt small businesses this time around and small businesses are so crucial to the American economy. What’s your take on this issue?


  州长:It is a concern. That’s where we need to work through these issues. Because it’s not just small business, it raises prices to our consumers. So we need to be thoughtful about that. Again, I think there is still things to improve in terms of trade relations and intellectual property…but, let’s not get in a trade war, let’s not create an adverse environment if we can help it because, again that only hurts everyone versus saying we have proactive trade…that’s the right answer because I view it as it helps the whole world when China and Michigan, or China and America can work well together it sends a good message to everyone.


  主持人:And speaking of the domestic market, China will be hosting its first International Import Expo this November. This is going to be huge, it’s a mega platform connecting Chinese buyers with sellers from all around the world. How big of an opportunity do you think this is specifically to gain more market share here in China?


  州长:I think it’s a good opportunity. It’s a way to build relations. I always tell people…people always underestimate, it’s hard to do business in another country, just anywhere. I’m an old business person, I’ve actually done that. And if you can create an environment to facilitate that to make you feel welcomed, to say here’s ways you can do it faster, better, easier, that encourages more of this work to get done, which I think is again a very much positive…because I view this as about long term relationships.


  主持人:So Governor, what is your hope then for the China-US economic relationship going forward? How do the two countries manage their differences but also grow mutually as well?


  州长:Michigan is a great illustration of that. Michigan didn’t have much of a relationship with China until I became Governor. Now after eight years, we’re actually number three in terms of the rank state for the number of jobs created by foreign direct investment from China over the last several years. That’s huge in terms of helping our economy grow. Isn’t that the kind of message we want to reinforce with people? And we build great relationships with in particular with some parts of China where we have sister state relationships that I think we have more and more opportunity.


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